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Jose Mendez

Classical Dressage Master 

Enter the realm of classical horsemanship guided by the classical master José Mendez, an esteemed FEI trainer, coach and competitor. José’s depth of experience stretches across the globe from performing the ‘airs above ground’ to successfully competing grand prix dressage, he is particularly recognised for his piaffe, passage and work in hand. With a wealth of knowledge and a profound understanding of how to work in partnership with the horse and further develop their physique to endue longevity and soundness. José is dedicated to nurturing the true essence of equestrian artistry.


José’s philosophy is to train with Appreciation, Sincerity and Kindness (ASK), where he instils in riders a deep appreciation for the delicate dance of communication and harmony between horse and rider, to become one. With an emphasis on correct biomechanics, Jose's training method unravels the secrets of achieving the sublime art of lightness and suppleness, without force. He guides riders in developing a solid foundation and understanding the intricate nuances necessary for this pinnacle of dressage expression.

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Nadine O'Sullivan

Licensed Instructor of the Philippe Karl Ecole de Legerete

Embark on a quest for lightness and harmony under the tutelage of Nadine O'Sullivan, a Licensed Instructor of the Philippe Karl Ecole de Légèreté. Nadine's training philosophy embraces the principles of lightness, respect, and balance, creating a profound connection between horse and rider.


Drawing inspiration from the time-honoured teachings of the renowned Philippe Karl, Nadine empowers riders to develop a deep understanding of equine biomechanics and the art of true partnership. With her expertise, she not only helps riders grasp the technical aspects of proper biomechanics but also explains how it translates into what they feel while riding. By understanding the subtle nuances of equine movement and the impact on the rider's sensations, Nadine guides riders to a heightened level of awareness, fostering a bond built on trust and mutual respect.

With Nadine as your guide, you'll explore the depths of lightness, discovering the transformative power of gentle aids and unified communication.

Through her patient and compassionate approach, she will help you unravel the mysteries of biomechanics and guide you and your horse on a journey of equestrian elegance. 

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